Last Friday was my grandma Stephenson's funeral. She had dementia for several years but what lead to her health decline was a skin cancer removal surgery about a week before her death. I remember her as petite (only about 5'2 and 100lbs), vibrant, quick, thoughtful, and probably one of the classiest people I have ever known. She taught me to crochet, cross stitch and knit. She also permed my hair when I was 11 or so. Mostly I just remember her as making me feel special and important.
In the past couple of years I've only seen her maybe once or twice a year and we only live an hour or two apart. Why have I seen her so little? Probably just because I just feel really awkward around old people that have a hard time remembering who I am. Does that sound just so heartless or what? I hate that about myself but it's the truth. Trying to make conversation with someone who can't make conversation is just really hard. At the funeral I was really sad because of the grandma I knew when I was younger and the way I remember her.
So what has been consuming my days? Car searching. I finally found one, and purchased it BY MYSELF. Torry hasn't even seen it (he's gone hunting for the weekend, and said go for it if I found a good deal). It's a 2003 GMC Denali with about 100k miles on it. True I would love something newer with less miles, but this just happens to be in our price range. Even better is that we paid CASH; no car payment. Torry & I have owned 2 sedans (the LAMO Volvo and the Hyundai Sonata) for the past 9 months. The plan was to save up and get an SUV. Well we got the SUV just sooner than expected. The kids love it. Camden has asked several times, "Mommy, can I go play in the car?"
Katelyn is gone at her friend Janae's house for a sleepover, Torry is gone hunting, and my brother Rob went fishing all day with friends. That leaves me Rob's wife, Tiffany, Camden & Lucy. What do we do? Go shop.

Anyway, then we went to Hobby Lobby to make these (see right). What are they, you ask? Totally awesome pom pom jars, one for each of my kids. When they do something good, they get a pom pom. When the jar is full, we will go on a trip to the dollar store and they can pick a toy. It was Tiff's sister's idea, and I copied it. I thought it was such a cute idea. Hopefully it will help them want to finish dinner, do chores and be nice to siblings. We'll see how it works...
I also picked out a few bead chains at the craft store to make some necklaces. (the white & turquoise beads) Each necklace will only cost me a total of $5!
After the craft store we went home for a bit then decided to go the Women's Expo at UVU where I got the necklace on the left. I know, I know, these seem to be everywhere right now but I love it. And it was only $15. I've got to try to find something to wear with it tomorrow to church.
Well, off to watch a Dateline NBC show on Drew Peterson who killed his wife. Or I might watch something on Netflix (yay! I signed up for an account!). Torry's still gone hunting so I have control of the remote. ;)